While in London in October to ordain Rev. Ivo Roderts into the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Worldwide, and to install Rev. Daira Vavere as the Dean of our Church in Great Britain, I was blessed to walk the neighborhood where Dean emeritus Dr. Andris Abakuks resides. Together with his wife Ruta, we entered the historically significant Anglican church where Dean sometimes serves.
It was there I found a prayer for Advent in the Bible Reading Fellowship displayed booklet. May it inspire and encourage you!
Coming Lord,
once again we hear the Advent message,
with the prophets proclaiming, “Make way’;
with the Baptist crying ‘Make ready’;
with the angels singing, ‘Make music’;
and with Mary affirming, Make room’.
All our past yearned for this coming.
All our future is shaped by this coming.
All our present depends on this coming.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come!
Come, Lord Jesus, come, we pray. Be present in our lives as we reach out to those who journey through times of struggling, fear, war, anxiety, and loneliness. In a time of over abundance for some, let us reach out and share, knowing that giving only increases our joy and all that brings true happiness. Come, Lord Jesus, and bless our Church, bless your Church, near and far. Be with your children, and especially those who reside in war zones, in areas of famine, places of oppression around the world. Given all that confront us as we try to prepare the way for our Lord Jesus in a world wherein so many are in need, fear of violence, struggling with or suffering as only those in a war zone can know.
Thank you for continuing to walk alongside each of us as you make straight our paths! Within you is the light of the world and it is our life! Guide us with your light – in truth, grace, mercy, and love! Amen.
Wishing you a blessed Advent,
+ Lauma Zusevics