Archbishop Janis Vanags,
Archbishop Lauma Zušēvics,
the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran) in Poland has initiated the prayer cycle for the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation. As the host Church of the LWF General Assembly in Kraków 2023 we wanted to strengthen the awareness of different contexts and living conditions, which our sisters and brothers face worldwide. Each prayer has been written by different pastor of the Lutheran Church in Poland.
The cycle begun on the 12th Sunday after Trinity i.e. on 4 September 2022. Although the Assembly is already behind us we would like to continue our prayer cycle. We find it important and enriching and we want to include in our prayers all the churches in our Communion.
On last Sunday we are prayed for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia and for the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Worldwide (LELCW). The prayer may be found on our Webpage: https://en.luteranie.pl/prayers/prayer-for-latvia/
Merciful God, Almighty Lord, today we come before Your Holy Majesty to thank You for the Latvian Lutheran churches. We express gratitude for all the good works they undertake and acknowledge their long history and testimony of faith.
We are aware that these churches face numerous challenges of material nature, secularization, and indifference. Therefore, we beseech You, Merciful Lord, to grant wisdom to all the ministers. Inspire and encourage them in their service. Place kind-hearted people in their path so that they may freely build their congregations in the spirit of the Gospel and maintain their churches and parish buildings in proper condition.
Bless all the parishes and Lutherans with Your grace. Make it possible for them to find comfort and support in their communities, to be witnesses of faith and love to others. Bless the country – Latvia, help ease national and political tensions. We dare to request this in the Name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Believing in the power of prayer we entrust your Churches to God, wishing you strength and hope.
We were honoured to be able to welcome you as members of our Communion of Churches at the LWF General Assembly in Poland.
On behalf of Presiding Bishop Jerzy Samiec and the Local Assembly Planning Committee,
Anna Wrzesińska
International Relations Officer
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland