Ps 54; Jer 11:18–20 vai Sāl 1:16–2:1, 12–22; Jk 3:13–4:3, 7–8a; Mk 9:30–37
3Moz 19:1–2, 9–18; Ef 4:1–6; Mt 22:34–46
krāsa – zaļa
Čikāgas Ciānas draudze (ASV), māc. Gundega Puidza
Aizkraukles draudze, Dd/SE, māc. Aleksandrs Ivanovs
PORVOO PRAYER – Church of England: Diocese of Sheffield, Bishop Pete Wilcox, Bishop Sophie Jelley
Church of Greenland: (Diocese of Greenland within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark) Bishop Paneeraq Siegstad Munk
Atlaid dusmas un atmet naidu, neskaisties – no tā tik ļauns! (Ps 37:8)
Redzi, tik maza uguns tik lielu mežu aizdedzina. Arī mēle ir uguns. (Jk 3:5–6)