
Mīļo Jēzu,
Tu mazgāji mācekļu kājas… Bet mums liegts tuvoties cits citam. Kungs, tas liekas tik nepareizi! Gribam paklausīt Tavai pavēlei, kalpot, kā Tu reiz pazemībā mācīji… Mazgā mūs Kungs, mazgā mūsu sirdis un dvēseles, lai mēs neiegrimtu žēlabās par to, ko nevaram, bet celtos gatavi kalpot, kā spējam! No attāluma, ja tā lemts šinī krīzes laikā, un tomēr, Jēzu, apliecinot Tavu mīlestību un žēlastību katram, kā varam – ziedojot, lūdzot par tiem, kas tuvu, tuvu noliecas pie katra slimnieka un kalpo kā Tavas rokas. Kungs, kaut tās būtu arī mūsējās! Paldies, Kungs, par katru, kas tik pašaizliedzīgi ir tuvu cietējiem! Stāvi viņiem klāt, dziedini, atspirdzini… Arī mūs, kad esam Tev uzticējuši savus grēkus, savu nespēku, sevi visu un esam no jauna saņēmuši tavu žēlastību! Paēdini mūs kā toreiz, lai arī mēs būtu spējīgi doties līdz ar Tevi uz Ģetzemenes dārzu un palikt nomodā… Paldies, mīļo Jēzu, par visu, ko šī diena māca un dod! Ļauj tajā izjust Tavu tuvumu un kopā ar Tevi saprast, kā būt klāt citam pie cita Tavā vārdā un Tavā garā! Āmen.

Lord Jesus,
You washed your disciples feet, yet we are not allowed to come close to one another. Lord, that feels wrong. We long to obey your commandment, to serve as humbly as you taught…Wash us, Lord, wash our hearts and souls, that we not sink into lament over what we cannot do, but might rise to serve as we can. From a distance, if that is what this crisis requires, but in each action affirming your love and grace to each, as we can. Donating, sharing what we can, praying for those, who bow down so near, so close to every patient, and serve as your hands – and ours? Lord, if only that could be. Thank you, Lord, for each of them, who selflessly and humbly serve all who are suffering. Abide with them, heal, bless and refresh them…And, Lord, after we have entrusted to you our sins, our weakness, all that we are – and after we have received your mercy once more, feed us, Lord, as you did your disciples. Feed us, that we might be enabled to follow you to Gethsemane, and remain awake. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for everything this day teaches and gifts us. Grant that we feel You so near to us that together we find a way to abide with one another in your name, and in your spirit. Amen.

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